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Like The Taste Of Summer (2011)

Like the Taste of Summer (2011)

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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book Like The Taste Of Summer (2011)

Oh hell, I liked this one!At first it was a little hard reading for me for some reason (couldn´t quite get into it) but after that I was finally able to enjoy the story. The whole story of both of the main charcters – since the moment they met till "the end", their secret meet ups and survival in a small homophobic town...I really didn´t expect anyting I would like quite as much as I did in the end.And yea, it´s something completely different than I myself would usually pick to read but for some reason I chose this story and I´m glad for that. Because even thought it didn´t turn out as one of the best books I read, it sure had some soul in it that lot of books miss. This exquisite little story has nothing at all to do with my life. And yet, somehow, everything to do with my life. It left me dissolved in tears, but not tears of sadness; tears of nostalgia for what it was to be gay and young and in love thirty-plus years ago in a world that hated the fact that we dared love at all.It also affirms my unwavering belief that you really can, by fate or luck or whatever, stumble across The One at the very moment you open the closet door to brave the world. Thanks, Kaje. What a lovely gift.

Do You like book Like The Taste Of Summer (2011)?

such a bittersweet coming of age love story. some adult content, but nothing too graphic.

Beautiful.. so damn beautiful!

Very good short story!

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