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Like Any Normal Day: A Story Of Devotion (2012)

Like Any Normal Day: A Story of Devotion (2012)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
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0312650035 (ISBN13: 9780312650032)
St. Martin's Press

About book Like Any Normal Day: A Story Of Devotion (2012)

This wasn't really my normal type of book but I have been meaning to read it for so long that I finally had to settle in and get it done. This was pretty good all things considered, I like the writer's style even though the genre wasn't my thing. It was an emotional roller coaster to tell you the truth, and something that I can't imagine having to go through myself. I have a massive amount of respect for people who are forced to make the type of decision that was thrust upon the character in this book.I won this book through a Goodreads First Reads Book Giveaway and I am required by the terms of the giveaway to disclose such in any review. So many times when we read about Dr. Kevorkian, we get the story from this point of view. This fast-moving story gives us the other side of the coin: a probing look into the suffering of one young man who became a patient of Kevorkian's. Buddy Miley was a cocky high school quarterback with the world at his fingertips -- until one fateful football play put him into a wheelchair for life, unable to use even his hands. Mark Kram Jr. shows us Buddy's ordeal as well as the sacrifices made by his family, especially his loving brother, Jimmy.Like Any Normal Day is a can't-put-down, and for every tear you shed over it, you will also ponder the philosophical issues of assisted suicide. Terrific for use in high schools with aggressive football programs.

Do You like book Like Any Normal Day: A Story Of Devotion (2012)?

Parts of the book were repetitious, but it was overall a very good book I cried while reading it.

Very touching story. A reminder to not take your mobility for granted.

The story was ok, but it definitely needed a copy editor.

It was a good book but definitely a sad story.

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