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Life Is A Circus Run By A Platypus (2013)

Life is a Circus Run by a Platypus (2013)

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4.38 of 5 Votes: 3
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0615810950 (ISBN13: 9780615810959)
Sweatshoppe Publications

About book Life Is A Circus Run By A Platypus (2013)

I really, really tried to read this book. First, the title is pretty attractive and sounded fun to me. And second, it has too many good reviews here. Nevertheless, I couldn't keep reading beyond chapter two. Sorry, but the way the author writes and describes doesn't work for me. Maybe because I've just finished a great, excellent book and I can remark a huge difference between just write something that had happened to me someday like I'm chatting with someone in the bus, and the truly exercise of literature. I have never written a full review for a book, but this one was so disappointing, I felt I should. I found it on a Goodreads list of highly rated books, and got it on a whim. I don't know what everyone else sees in this book, but I couldn't finish it. The events she describes in each chapter are funny, but if I had to read one more simile, I was going to go crazy "like Charlie Sheen after a falling out with his dealer." It just didn't work for me.

Do You like book Life Is A Circus Run By A Platypus (2013)?

The author's amusing anecdotes about her life are an entertaining escape.

I needed something different! So glad to have read this! Excellent!

What a hilarious collection of fantastic short stories! A must read.

Hilarious. If you are in need of a good laugh then read on!!

Very enjoyable read. Thank you.

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