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Liberation: A Novel (2007)

Liberation: A Novel (2007)

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3.25 of 5 Votes: 3
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0316010537 (ISBN13: 9780316010535)
little, brown and company

About book Liberation: A Novel (2007)

Book #7 of 2009I did not like this book much. I borrowed it because most of it is set on the island of Elba. I remember Elba being a magical place where I spent a weekend the summer I stayed in Italy. The book though, was rather dull. The perspective switched between Adriana Nardi, 10 years old - almost 11 - at the time of the Liberation of Elba, her mother Guila, her uncle Mario, a Senglenese soldier Amdu Diop who Adriana and Guila nurse back to health after he develops a fever, and Mrs. Rundel, Adriana 60 years later who almost dies on a train on her way to work. There is not a lot of action and most of the story is told in a stream of consciousness which I found annoying, difficult to follow and distracting. The ending also came out of left field and was so undeserved. It was a rather abrupt and disjointed end, which didn't make a boring book any better.Borrowed from the library.

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