I think maybe I should read the blurbs before purchasing! I fell in love with Bryn and Charlie, but I was really expecting Sara and Chris. Though we did get a glimpse of Chris in the epilogue.Bryn is the oldest of her and Sara, and while she has a few issues, she is trying her hardest to deal with them without having to seek professional help. Bryn was raped, and since that night she has panic attacks. She has slowly been trying to get back on a motorcycle since that night and while she is making some progress there is still a lot to go. Bryn meets Charlie by ending up in the hospital after a minor accident on the motorcycle, Charlie is of course her Doctor in the ER. Things pick up for the two when they have a chance meeting and things really go from there. There is not any "sex" because Charlie wants to make sure that Bryn is comfortable with him. And after a little bit Bryn starts to get more comfy with him and when she is wanting to take things to the next level she happens upon another girl in Charlie's house. Of course she jumps to conclusions and believes the worst, and will not give Charlie a chance to explain. Both Charlie and Bryn seem to stay away from each other for at least a month, and get thrown together when the ride to Sturgis comes up. Bryn has made lots of progress and now is going to make the ride with the group on her own motorcycle. Things of course get straightened out between the two and they finally get back together. Bryn is haunted by her past but instead of hiding away she faces her fears head-on. I loved her relationship with her best friend, Corey, and her sister, Sara. I met and fell in love with Sara in the prequel to the series “Just One Night” but “Let Me Fly” can be read as a stand-alone without a problem. In steps Doctor Glynn (Charlie) and the pages start to heat up. Bryn and Charlie begin to explore their relationship and Charlie’s kinky side gets the juices flowing. Bryn comes with some major baggage but she’s strong and determined to overcome her fears. Charlie’s dominant nature is just what’s needed to give Bryn that extra push to succeed.“Let Me Fly” is fast paced and a very enjoyable read for romance and kink fans alike.
Do You like book Let Me Fly (2012)?
Loved this book. The characters were really and the story emotional
Was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this book.