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Let It Fall (2010)

Let It Fall (2010)

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0545208793 (ISBN13: 9780545208796)
Cartwheel Books

About book Let It Fall (2010)

Let it Fall by Maryann Cocca-Leffler is a great book for little children starting from preschool to maybe first grade. The story is written in rhymes about the season of autumn. Each illustration shows what the autumn season brings and how the kids enjoy every moment of it, from going back to school, to racking leaves and then of course jumping into those leaves. The words are simply written for beginner readers and make it easy to understand and remember with the rhymes. The illustrations help tell the story with each watercolor scene. This book Let it Fall would be a wonderful book to introduce young children to the season of autumn. It can also give kids and even adults activates on things to do during the season. I would recommend it for any young beginner reader. Great for teachers to use for a returning to school read out loud book, followed up by an autumn activity. Cocca-Leffler, M. (2010). Let it fall. New York: Cartwheel Books. This cute book is a nice introduction to the Autumn season reminding us of all the special things we can see, feel and do this time of year. The short rhyming text flows nicely and would be great for beginning readers. The pictures are soft and full of expression as the family rakes leaves that blow in the wind, attend the county fair, view the beautiful colors while hiking and pass a few animals getting ready for the cold changes themselves. This book put me in the mood for some caramel apples!

Do You like book Let It Fall (2010)?

This is a great book about the fall. Good family book, may use to discuss season order and changes.

Fun, short rhymes will keep toddlers going in this rollicking, rhythmic book about Fall.

Breezy, autumnal toned illustrations introduce preschoolers to the fall season.

Great book to teach about rhyming words and fall.

Great ideas for enjoying the Fall season. :)

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