Wow, I REALLY liked this book. GREAT characters! GREAT story! This is a clever and fun story. Set in the Wild West P.K.’s story keeps you turning the pages to see what happens. There are surprises at every turn and a REALLY big one at the end. The first sentence of the story instantly grabs the reader: “My name is P. K. Pinkerton and before this day is over I will be dead.” And it doesn't slow down until the end. Real historical figures are weaved into the story or used as backdrop (i.e. Sam Clemons (Mark Twain)). There is a glossary of terms in the back of the book. Though the story never says so, it’s clear P. K. has what today we would call Asperger’s syndrome or high-functioning autism. Brilliant, touch-averse and reclusive, he “cannot express emotions easily. Nor read them neither.” But he is endowed with “keen observational skills” and an excellent memory. A MUST read! Lexile Level: 750Pages: 224 pgs (also available on audio)Summary: P.K. Pinkerton is on the run from a band of deadly desperados who have murdered and scalped his foster parents. He soon realizes that “Whittlin Walt” the most feared desperado is responsible and is now after P.K. for a letter that could make them millionaires. P.K. hightails it to Virginia City, a mining town filled with desperados, hurdy girls, and other dangers to a 12 year old boy. P.K. has a form of autism, which the author describes, but never names. Will P.K. be able to escape Whittlin Walt and find people he can trust? Or will the desperados win?Recommendations or Comments: I would not recommend this title to anyone below 5th or 6th grade. There is discussion of guns, murder, opium, prostitution, gambling, etc. throughout. This novel is supposed to be “rip roaring,” however, I failed to find much humor. In fact, I couldn’t wait for the book to end.Rating: 1 starReviewed By: Jen A.
Do You like book Les Trois Desperados (2013)?
It was awesome. I cant believe i got it in an advanced uncorrected copy when im only eleven!
A fast-paced engrossing read, full of the Wild West and lots of detective excitement!
Excellent narration. Full of details of the wild west during the mid 1800s.