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Law Man: My Story Of Robbing Banks, Winning Supreme Court Cases, And Finding Redemption (2012)

Law Man: My Story of Robbing Banks, Winning Supreme Court Cases, and Finding Redemption (2012)

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3.87 of 5 Votes: 4
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0307887839 (ISBN13: 9780307887832)

About book Law Man: My Story Of Robbing Banks, Winning Supreme Court Cases, And Finding Redemption (2012)

Well-written and enjoyable book. Shon Hopwood has an amazing story to tell. His transformation from a bank robber, prison inmate, to law student was intriguing reading. And what is even more amazing is that he apparently wrote this book while he was a second year law student. Who has time to writea book while in law school! Plus he is married with two young children. A great read and a charmed life! I wish him well and hope he writes more books. I truly enjoyed this book. There were times where more detail would have been welcome, however, it was a good high level overview of Shon's story. With all the "coincidences" throughout the book, it's hard to argue that God is not great and has a purpose for us all. A refreshing look at rehabilitation versus a life destined to be spent on the inside of prison because life on the outside proves to be foreign. I would recommend for anyone who wants a quick read and enjoys a good tale of redemption.

Do You like book Law Man: My Story Of Robbing Banks, Winning Supreme Court Cases, And Finding Redemption (2012)?

Easy read. Good book for the plane/airport. Nice story of redemption.

Good book. Compelling. Redemption. I wish Mr. Hopswood well.

Easy, interesting read. The characters kept me entertained.

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