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Laughing At My Nightmare (2014)

Laughing at My Nightmare (2014)

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4.17 of 5 Votes: 2
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162672007X (ISBN13: 9781626720077)
Roaring Brook Press

About book Laughing At My Nightmare (2014)

I really rooted for this boy into guy! This is as honest and forward a memoir I have ever read and for that alone, I salute Shane Burcaw. I had the very unfortunate circumstance of having been diagnosed with an ear tumor (two subsequent brain surgeries that involved partial deafness and facial weakness on former tumor side). I follow Shanes' mantra of finding humor and motoring onward with life Everyday is full of challenges and gifts and it is up to us to find them. His experiences made me step back and take pause of my life and left we wondering how insanely difficult his day to day must be in actual real time (not in telling of past tense quips). I have the upmost respect and admiration for this courageous and amazing individual. I believe this book should be read by ALL kids in high school as the lessons to take away would be to respect your life, face challenges head on, do not judge a book by its' cover,know that today may suck but tomorrow is a new day, and finally that a fair amount of people have it worse than you and deal with it better so 'buck up!' Shane Burcaw's memoir is an unflinching, irreverent view into the world of someone with a severe disability. Burcaw laughs at himself and his difficulties while highlighting barriers faced by most disable people. He opened my eyes to some issues that had never occurred to me, like wheelchair seating areas that don't allow companions to sit with the person in the wheelchair. Who want to go to an event with a friend only to be separated from them? What if the person with the disability needs their companion for assistance? All in all a very good book with lots of funny moments. There's a great message here, but the book began to feel a bit long. It is essentially a long series of anecdotes. It's hard to put my finger on what felt missing or, perhaps, overdone. I think this would be a good recommendation for fans of A Fault in Our Stars. It has all of the "feels" while being about a real person. There's even some romance. It might be better for older teens since Burcaw doesn't shy away from foul language or open discussions sexual encounters.

Do You like book Laughing At My Nightmare (2014)?

I love this book. Shane Burcaw has a great sense of humor and I really reccomened this book.

I loved the documentary, can't wait for the book!

A largely humorous perspective on life with SMA.

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