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Latitude 38 (2000)

Latitude 38 (2000)

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3.25 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book Latitude 38 (2000)

This book was awful awful awful. I kept reading because I wanted to find out what happened and the ending was the worse part. The whole book was about mostly awful people doing awful things to each other. A group of people were trying to escape a ultra conservative crazy society. It bothered me that if conservative morals were inforced life would be cruel and horrible. The language was awful and it was just depressing. Skip this book! I'm not exactly sure why I purchased this book for my Kindle. I think it had to do with the dystopian elements. I liked the premise of the book and it was nice to read a book with this kind of plot that was not YA since I have read a lot of those recently. What kept the story going was the love Diego and Adriana had for each other. Diego was willing to do anything to help his wife's pain. The characters that they met on the way toward the USS of A were developed nicely. The plot worked for the most part. Like a lot of other readers, I was not all that happy with the ending. I am not the author though.I think I would have liked to know more about the other side and why there was a division in the first place, but I can see why the author may have wanted to get right to the action. The action sequences were good.

Do You like book Latitude 38 (2000)?

Very well written and reminded me of hunger games.

What was that with the ending! Get out, you fool.

I wasn't expecting the ending!

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