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Last Stop This Town (2012)

Last Stop This Town (2012)

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3.19 of 5 Votes: 5
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1469902664 (ISBN13: 9781469902661)
Monkey Business Press

About book Last Stop This Town (2012)

I admit it, I was lured into reading this book by the setting - NYC, the timeframe - the weekend before graduation when the characters would be on the cusp of change, and by the author - an American Pie screenwriter. I loved most of the movies of the franchise and was swayed to read the books for that reason.AND I wanted to read a book that would make me laugh my face off. Last Stop This Town reads like a raunchy teen comedy. The main characters best friends Dylan, Noah, Walker and Pike fill a niche of the typical teenage boys. There were moments of depth to each character, but mostly they were just out to have a good time on their last weekend together before graduating. The different situations that they would get themselves into or find themselves in did not seem very realistic or likely. Maybe it was possible for most of these events to happen, but not all in the same night. Again for this reason, the book read like a movie where anything is possible and if something can go wrong, it most likely will. BUT having said that, it shouldn't take away from the fun time that I had while reading this.Last Stop This Town may not be for everyone, but I thought it was a good time. It reminded me of my guy friends from high school - because yes, the loud, obnoxious, thrill seekers who may not be the best influences can make good friends, provide lots of laughs, and keep you on your toes. When I started this book I was only going to read a couple of chapters and then run some errands. Well I never put the book down til I finished the last page. What a fun read, I loved it. Four guys who have been friends for most of their lives having their last hoorah before going off to college. And what an experience they had, I laughed out loud at times, got teary eyed at other times and cringed at still other times!! I highly recommend this book! Thanks to Goodreads First reads where I won this as a first reads giveaway.

Do You like book Last Stop This Town (2012)?

Fairly enjoyable book. Quick read. Can't say I hate myself any more having read it.

Almost done with this great book. Will post more shortly.

Funny book. Reminds me of the American Pie movie.

Absolutely hilarious!

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