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Las Cosas Que Amamos (2012)

Las cosas que amamos (2012)

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About book Las Cosas Que Amamos (2012)

I liked this book....I liked Pam Jenoff's other book "The Kommandant's Girl", and that's why I decided to try this one...I love stories that talk about what happened during WWII. This book fit the ticket.It goes back and forth between the current time and the early 1900's. An anniversary clock plays a large part in this story...too large? Not sure.If I had to sum up this story, I would say...It is a love story, both past and present...It is about how people deal with what life hands them and about how our trials make us who we eventually become as human beings. Everyone has their demons...and their gifts.The present is a trio of people who have loved and lost. They are working together, trying to defend a German man who has been accused of betraying his brother to the Nazi's. Ultimately that brother was arrested and killed, and so were many Jewish children he was trying to help escape from Nazi Germany. The past is the trio of the defendant Roger, his brother Hans and his wife Magda...And a daughter, Anna. What exactly happened in 1943? Did Roger betray his brother to get rid of him, so he could be with the love of his life...Magda?? What you will find is that things are never really black and white and sometimes people do things for reasons we can't always understand...But once you read this book, it will all become clear...I like the feeling that I was there, in Germany during the war seeing how it might have been for people...Germans and Jews alike. It was easy for no one...with the exception of those who were perpetrating all the grief of course. Once again, you see through these kind of novels that not all Germans were evil or even wanted any part of what went on...some sacrificed all to help the Jews.People loved and lost. They tried to live their lives as normally as they could, even though things were changing quickly and not for the best all around them...An anniversary clock plays a rather important part in this book...I thought this was kinda cool til the end...I found myself fixating on who had which clock when.(there were two)I had a difficult time figuring out the chain of possession toward the end...This kinda took away from the final chapters for me. I am someone who needs every piece of the puzzle to fit perfectly into place. I did figure it out in my mind and was satisfied, but like I said it interrupted the always cherished "ending" of a book.Was there a happy ending? Could you have so much tragedy in your life and really have a happy ending? Yes and no. Read the book and find out for yourself...I would recommend this book...It was a well told story.ENJOY! I won a copy of "The Ambassador's Daughter" by Pam Jenoff through the Goodreads Giveaway Contest. The author so kindly sent me a copy of The "Ambassador's Daughter" and "The Things We Cherished". I have already posted my review of the first novel, and this is the review of "The Things We Cherished", a historical fiction novel with romance.Charlotte is a public defender in Philadelphia, representing juveniles. When Charlotte returned to her office from court one day, she found her ex-boyfriend, Brian Warrington sitting across from her desk. He came from New York to see Charlotte about a case he is working on. They had met during law school while interning with the war crimes tribunal at the Hague. Brian has since married, and is a securities litigator, defending lawsuits for the biggest brokerage houses in the country.Roger Dykmans is a security client of Brian, and younger brother of Hans Dykmans, a diplomat. Roger has been arrested and charges as a war criminal for allegedly helping the Germans. They claim Roger sold out his brother during the war.Charlotte is a descendant of the Holocaust survivors. Brian is looking at Charlotte's forensic skills, as Roger isn't talking. Brian needs help defending an accused Nazi Collaborator. But Brian had broken her heart...why should she get involved?. She agrees to help. As they investigate Dykmans’ past, they learn of a great secret love in his life. There are many subplots running throughout the novel. The novel shows how hard it was to survive during the war and how hard it was to help each other, and yet, love somehow survived and thrived, lasting decades. A very enjoyable read.

Do You like book Las Cosas Que Amamos (2012)?

Good story! I was hoping for more what the pix on the cover shows!!

A rather weak romance wrapped in a thin plot. I was disappointed.

Excellent story in a quick read. Enjoyable.

nice easy read

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