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Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker (2012)

Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker (2012)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 1
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1404867961 (ISBN13: 9781404867963)
Picture Window Books

About book Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker (2012)

Lacey, the very adorable owl, loves to talk. She talks all the time, much to the dismay of teachers and parents. One day Lacey has lost her voice...she can't even whisper. What she discovers is that her friend is funny, breakfast is tasty and having extra time after getting ready for bed nets her some more storytime! Cute story, fun illustrations and will be a great addition to my storytime lineup. This is a great book for any classroom. This is a social story about Lacey Walker, who just can't stop talking. It takes a more comedic approach to the interruptions that she creates and how it begins to burden the entire class. A must have addition to the library, especially if you have a talkative bunch. I loved the pictures as well, they were very complimentary to the story and vividly done. This book could be used for grades K-4.

Do You like book Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker (2012)?

I loved how she learned a lesson without being told that there was something wrong with her.

Went over well at storytime. A good teaching tool for listening

Cute story about needing to be quiet long enough to listen.

Preschool storytime


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