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La Resolución Para Hombres (2011)

La Resolución para Hombres (2011)

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1433671581 (ISBN13: 9781433671586)
B&H Espanol

About book La Resolución Para Hombres (2011)

This book came at a great time in my life when I needed a strong dose of spiritual perspective on leading my family and resolving to discover the will of God in my life. It was a great reminder that we have a God of love mercy and forgiveness and that a man of resolve is to hold these values high and seek God's wisdom in every decision in our lives. God has His best picked out for us and we have to be willing to lay everything down at His feet and let Him lead. Read this book and challenge yourself to put God at the head of your household! This is an absolute MUST READ for any Christian father, father-to-be, husband or husband-to-be -- and for every mother, mother-to-be, wife and wife-to-be. Very rarely do I get this excited about a book - and I have many on my bookshelf!As families continue to crumble and fall and ex-life partners struggle to figure out why, it is imperative that the Church reinforce the roles of husband and wife that are very clearly laid out in the Bible and that husbands and wives take up the challenge of those roles instead of trying to define and live out their own as based on what society deems right and popular.I would very strongly recommend that both husbands and wives read both the Resolution for Men and the Resolution for Women so that each can hold the other partner accountable for actions, inactions and ways of thinking that are not in keeping with God's ways and teachings.Our families and children need strong fathers more than ever. Fathers/husbands that know the difference between loving and respecting and cherishing and being dominating and abusive and manipulative. Fathers, contrary to popular opinion, are integral to raising healthy, well-rounded kids, and to keeping a marriage together. When fathers negate their God-ordained role or abuse that role for purposes that God never intended, then families suffer. "A man cannot be passive about what Scripture tells him to do for his family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end." (page 3)This is a lesson that every man, and every young man who has visions of being a husband and father in his life needs to read.

Do You like book La Resolución Para Hombres (2011)?

A study at my mens group in church.. i desire to be the man God wants me to be. Amazing book.

Great book...timeless advice. Very difficult to live out.

5 stars are not enough. This is a must read for men.

A challenging read with some good advice for men.


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