Story of a group of women who went on a mission trip because it was the thing to do in their church. Each one of the ladies was marvelously changed by the experience and their interaction with the women they met who were making beads which were to be sold in the US to benefit their families. This book is on the UMW reading list for 2012 in the category of Education for Mission.I was moved by the story and the spiritual growth of the "missionary team". A fantastic book! The book Beaded Hope by Cathy Liggett deals with the strong emotional struggles of 3 women and a teenage girl who all go on a mission trip to South Africa. Two of the women go with all the wrong motives but all four of these characters undergo transforming changes in their life perspectives through their experiences with a group of South African women they meet. The reader is shown not only the tragic circumstances of a group of women being cared for through a hospice organization for women with AIDS but also the courage and faith these women exhibit in their circumstances. There are so many themes in this book---the grief of a woman who desperately wants to have children and is unable to do so, a mother dealing with the loss of her husband and her stepdaughter's rebellion, a teenage girl coping with the loss of a father and an unexpected pregnancy, and a woman traumatized by her past who is struggling who has put her career before everything and everyone. A pervasive theme in the book is the one of faith and trusting in God to meet our needs.
Do You like book Kralen Van Hoop (2010)?
This was very good and I would recomend it.