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Koud Vuur (2012)

Koud Vuur (2012)

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3.98 of 5 Votes: 5
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9024554047 (ISBN13: 9789024554041)
Luitingh Fantasy

About book Koud Vuur (2012)

Ugh. The only reason I kept reading this book was to follow the story of Cat and Vai's relationship. The plot was nonexistent. Random stuff happens and it's confusing and characters appear and disappear without rhyme or reason. I think there are some interesting elements of the story that get poorly incorporated into the narrative. but this book could have greatly benefited by two points of view telling the story rather than Cat's alone. I'm vacillating between 2.5 and 3 stars. This book was not nearly as good as the first one. It had an interesting setting in the Caribbean, but Cat's character (and even Bee's) seemed sadly changed and lacking. She was not the same resourceful, driven character. She also spends an inordinate amount of time focusing on romance to the exclusion of all else. I'm not against the romance by any means, but the timing seemed misplaced and kind of bogged down the book.So, I don't know. Parts of it were really good, but a lot of it was kind of all over the place and some parts just didn't make sense at all. Also the author's awkward similes and metaphors got even more awkward and the writing did not seem as good as the first book. I actually checked the third book out from the library at the same time, but I might wait awhile before reading it. Yes, I probably will read it because I still want to know what happens -- I just hope book 3 is a lot better.

Do You like book Koud Vuur (2012)?

Loved it and hanging out for the final book in the trilogy, Cold Steel!

Fun, but not as strong as the first one.

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