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Knotted Roots (2013)

Knotted Roots (2013)

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About book Knotted Roots (2013)

When troubled teenager, Roxie, leaves the big city to spend the summer with her little-known grandmother in Florida, she finds she's in for a big surprise. Roxie discovers theres a great big world out there with all different types of people to meet and places to visit. In Knotted Roots, Author Ruthi Knight takes the reader on a journey of the spirit and allows us to re-live relationships at all levels. Through Roxie's story, we remember our first love, best friendships, greatest human qualities, and most important of all, the enduring love of family. Kudos to Ruthi Knight for bringing a rarely seen depth of human feelings and emotion to the written page. I have grown weary of books lately. They have been very dramatic with pointless stupidity happening. Knotted Roots was not like that. Roxanne (Roxie) was a city mouse in the country. I know she was supposed to come off as high maintenance but she was my favorite character in the book besides Brian. I could relate to her issues with deadbeat grandparents which is probably why I did not feel she was ever too hard on Betty. I just did not like Grandma Betty. Which kind of ruined the effect of the story. Roxie's so called best friend, Amber was a trifling bitch. I don't get how childhood friends could end like that without a bigger deal or trying. That was the one issue I found unbelievable. Chase and Brian, I loved. Like loooooved. Brian large measures more than Chase. Only because Chase was a bit too moody. But I really enjoyed reading this story and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes NA high drama in moderation in a YA setting. I was warned I'd need tissue and while I did not, you might.

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