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Kissing Santa (2000)

Kissing Santa (2000)

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3.27 of 5 Votes: 2
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Bird of Paradise Publishing

About book Kissing Santa (2000)

Kissing Santa is a delightful short story. Lily Johnson travels home for the Christmas holidays. A storm hit the little community, interfering with the holiday traditions of Santa delivering gifts. Every year the firemen spread Christmas cheer by visiting the children and families of the town. One particular fireman, Christopher Crin, is the one person Lily finds herself worrying about during the storm. Being an old flame, she is hopeful but also dreads a potential reunion.This is such a cute story! The magic of Christmas, combined with love and hope, will make any story enjoyable. And that’s exactly what you have in Kissing Santa. The only downfall is it ends too quickly. You can’t help but want more from this dynamic duo. I got this short story for free on Amazon through a promotion that is currently running. Check it out I believe that the promotion is still going on!This was a nice short story about a girl returning home to find her family and true love are still waiting for her. I have read other short stories and have been left wanting but that is not the case with this read. Aithne does a great job to put you in the story and includes all the little details. I think she did a great job at building the characters and suspense.This is definitely a chick lit book but leaves you all warm and cozy and ready for the holidays! I recommend this quick read!

Do You like book Kissing Santa (2000)?

Lily returns home in this short story to her family and a fireman Santa.

Cute novella for Christmas season...

It was cute wish it was longer.

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