Do You like book King Con (1998)?
"How you gonna play the bubble?""Gonna rope the mooch with a tat, steer him with a mack, probably put him on the country-send to his drop, and play him off against the wall."This was my first Cannell novel and it was much as I expected, having come highly recommended by a good friend of mine. The author cut his teeth as a writer/producer of TV shows in the 70s and 80s and this novel reads kinda of like that. Plot is what it's all about, a little less on characterization etc, and you will need to suspend your disbelief a little bit at the door. But if you like novels about great con jobs then this is the book for you. Especially if you like the action from the con man's point of view.Coincidentally I seem to have read several of these sorts of novels lately and am starting to worry about my motivations. Hide your portfolios and casino earnings before I come to town...
—Benjamin Thomas
Huge story. Grandiose plotline, like most of Cannell's work. A friend turned me onto this one and I really enjoyed it. Being my first encounter with this author, I didn't know what I was getting into, but I'm glad in hindsight that this was the first I had read. It wasn't a Shane Scully novel, and it was probably (at least so far, in my opinion) Cannell's best book. I will probably read it again, and would recommend it to anyone who likes big gigantic storylines with a lot going on.The protag has to do this to make that happen, and get a bunch of people involved in this big hoax to make someone believe something else so that he can achieve something entirely different... That type of thing is going on constantly in this book, which makes it a quick read and a fun book.
Absolutely captivating...Nothing more to say. Although I did wonder wwhy Beano and Dakota were once lovers seeing how they were cousins and all.