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Killing Calvinism: How To Destroy A Perfectly Good Theology From The Inside (2012)

Killing Calvinism: How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Theology from the Inside (2012)

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1936760533 (ISBN13: 9781936760534)
Cruciform Press

About book Killing Calvinism: How To Destroy A Perfectly Good Theology From The Inside (2012)

Again, another easy read, like all of them by Cruciform Press. Read it in one sitting. Well written with some things for all to seriously think about, not just Calvinists. So even non-Calvinists can read it without any concerns that they will be "converted" to Calvinism. Practical, to the point, and challenges you to look at your own attitude when it comes to defending a particular theological standpoint. Has a few okay points, but the "Calvinism" that the author is describing isn't really Calvinism at all. It seems like the author believes that reformed theology is merely a system of human invention that can possibly be destroyed. His brand of Calvinism equals adherence to the TULIP acronym (not Calvin's invention) minus covenant theology, which adds up to an incomplete dead-end theology. Maybe this is the root of the problem since the book is by a baptist and his premier examples of "Calvinists" are all baptists. Maybe this is why this group of calvinistic baptists are self-described as "restless and reformed". I respectfully can say that there cannot be a biblically consistent and sane 5 pointer without an understanding and adherence to reformed covenant theology. I think the Appendix called "The Calvinist's favorite flower: TULIP" and the chapter creating a false dichotomy between "theologian and disciple" proves my point that the caricature of Calvinism he is warning against wouldn't be approved by John Calvin himself or any reformed theologian that holds to the Westminster Confession.The way out of the dangerous "cage stage Calvinism" isn't pulling back, but going deeper in and connecting the doctrines of grace to a reformed understanding of the covenants, union with Christ, our adoption in Him, and the Fatherhood of God. Without this essential connection there will always be restlessness in understanding of how the whole bible fits together.

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Calvinism can defend itself; but sometimes Calvinists give it a really bad name.

Great and very interesting book to read especially for us, Calvinist!

Great Great Great book. Good medicine for a "YRR" !

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