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Kid Carolina: R. J. Reynolds Jr., A Tobacco Fortune, And The Mysterious Death Of A Southern Icon (2010)

Kid Carolina: R. J. Reynolds Jr., a Tobacco Fortune, and the Mysterious Death of a Southern Icon (2010)

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1599951037 (ISBN13: 9781599951034)
Center Street

About book Kid Carolina: R. J. Reynolds Jr., A Tobacco Fortune, And The Mysterious Death Of A Southern Icon (2010)

I knew nothing of this story going into the book. It was fascinating account of the lifestyle of the pre-jet jet set. There are hundreds of stories of wealth, marriage, divorce, and more set among that group in that generation. It almost makes the current crop of "celebrities" seem pale by comparison.I live on Saint Simons Island which is mentioned in the book and just a few miles from his beloved Sapelo Island and Darien, Georgia. So this story had some strong local connections. R.J. Reynolds Jr. was a very generous man with anyone that was not a family member or one of his 4 wives. An alcoholic from his early youth, he was a miserable excuse for a husband and a non-existent father for his seven children. He did many wonderful things for his state of North Carolina and his country. But his family's business founded on the tobacco industry also has touched the lives of all of us through the devistation it has caused.

Do You like book Kid Carolina: R. J. Reynolds Jr., A Tobacco Fortune, And The Mysterious Death Of A Southern Icon (2010)?

Interesting. Additional verification of the fact that money does not equal class.

A very interesting reading learning about the Reynolds family.

Only interested in the mention of Sapelo Island.

Must read for anyone living in WS!

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