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Katherine's Story (2004)

Katherine's Story (2004)

Book Info

3.94 of 5 Votes: 3
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0060543418 (ISBN13: 9780060543419)
parachute press (ny)

About book Katherine's Story (2004)

This is a cute series for girls. Each book features one girl who lives on Lighthouse Lane in a quaint Maine town in 1905.The girls are good friends.In this book, Katherine is the lighthouse keeper's daughter. She is a good artist and longs to go away to school in Boston to learn to draw properly. Her father promises her that if she can earn half of the tuition, or $25, that he will give her the other half to attend a Boston school. However, after Kat and her friends earn the $25, papa's share must go to fix the roof. Her dreams dashed, there's only one thing left to do and that's run away.

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