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KACAU (2014)

KACAU (2014)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 11
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Buku Fixi

About book KACAU (2014)

*spoilers alert* - pada yg belum baca novel ni baik tak payah baca review ni dulu unless kalau you jenis tak kisah kalau tahu ending sesuatu cerita.Okay. Overall it was a very entertaining, easy and a scary-shit read. I give it 3 stars and find it worth my money - so it's a success la for me!There are few things I like and few I don't really like so im just gonna elaborate it in point forms . Here it goes :- 1. Satu perkara yg aku betul-betul suka dgn novel ni ialah it is a very pack with scary-action-shitss. So I really enjoyed it. Tak boring. Taaapiiiii, perkara ini juga menyumbang kepada masalah-masalah lain. Let's go to the next points. 2. Some of the actions macam cliche - macam scene Al dekat bilik air and hantu atas kereta. And hantu yg multiply banyak-banyak. IDK lah, I just dont feel em. 3. Then again, banyak gila scene takut weh. Aku macam takut gila bila hantu tu main menyamar-menyamar. Pastu banyak kali gila pulak tu hantu tu main menyamar-menyamar. Paling tak ley blaaa bila scene Amat dgn hantu makan KFC. Scene tu memang sial laaaa. 4. Sekali lagi pasal banyak sgt scene action takut. Aku tak kisah sangat pasal tu. Tapi yg paling aku kisah bila tgk reactions characters bila benda scary happen to them. I mean dude, yea it's scary but isn't such incidents happen like 2-3 times already? Tak payah menggelabah sgt boleh ? and for all their menggelabah-antics worth, why the hell are they so fuckin complacent?! People are dying and injured left and right tapi they all fail to get any help. I mean come on laaa. The devils are freakin strong kot - find a bomoh siam or an ustaz laaaa! Aku ni bukan la cerewet sgt pasal logic cerita or apa but this plot-holes really manage to bug me lah. 5. I kinda like the plot twist. Scene Afiq kena salib and when we find out the real cause of all those things. I kinda like the idea that they all suffered in vain. Like they literally died because asshole Afiq wanna have a lil fun. Lol 6. Some unresolve issue here. Mainly pasal the origins of the devils. First, pasal budak-budak yg Jimie nampak tu. Who are they ? Kenapa tulang diorang ada dalam tasik ? What's their stories ? They all macam tak related pun dengan si Malika tu ? Pastu pasal cerita janda yg pinjam duit along tu. Is she Malika ? Apa relevan cerita tu dgn all that's happening ? I feel like it would be nice if Malika, Balqis, and the gang punya cerita pun di-include sekali. Eh kenapa aku beriya-iya nak tahu pasal hantu pulak nih ? 7. Aku suka cara Jimie and Al punya relationship diceritakan. I actually felt sad for them. And pasal penggunaan bahasa dan teknik penceritaan pun aku macam tak ada masalah sangat kot. Aku suka teknik tukar-tukar viewpoints tu, kalau boleh perbanyakkan mungkin lagi best ? 8. One more thing - the Ulek Mayang part. Aku tak nampak apa relevan dimasukkan unsur-unsur tu dalam cerita ni. Ulek Mayang kan tariaan puja semangat laut and orang yg kena rasuk ulek mayang ni biasanya penari-penari ulek mayang je kan ? Kacau tak ada langsung setting dekat laut so kalau guna ulek mayang sbg elemen seram memang sgt tak kena kot.Dah tu je la kot aku nak cakap. Despite all the criticism, I really love this books. TBH, I dont really have high expectations for Fixi books but this one really change me. Looking forward to another Fixi and Ariff Adly books! pendek kata kisah ni, setakat ilmu sekelumit didada tu tak payahla nak bermain dengan api. memang selayaknyalah terima padah. untuk penulis, thumbs up ya. jalan cerita menarik. walaupun ada sedikit sana sini yang perlu diperbaiki. ada beberapa ayat yang anda ulang banyak kali, which is tidak perlu dan tidak penting pun untuk di terangkan. kali kedua baca buku dari fixi yang tidak buatkan saya mengantuk atau bosan. good job penulis!

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Plot yang biasa dan situasi seram yang dicipta kadangkala bikin geram. Percubaan yang baik.

teruja sgt nk bca novel ni, sab baik x mengecewakan. bes, menarik & simple....

Jalan cerita yang superb ! Ulik mayang ! Haunted


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