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Just When I Thought I'd Dropped My Last Egg: Life And Other Calamities (2008)

Just When I Thought I'd Dropped My Last Egg: Life and Other Calamities (2008)

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0345512065 (ISBN13: 9780345512062)
Ballantine Books

About book Just When I Thought I'd Dropped My Last Egg: Life And Other Calamities (2008)

I rated this book four stars. Is it one of the best books I've ever read? No. But if you take it for what it is, it's actually quite entertaining. It doesn't pretend to be great literature and there's no compelling story. It's just little bits of this and that from the mind of Kathie Lee Gifford, who happens to be a pretty funny woman.We get some glimpses into her life and some mentions of her Mom, husband, children, sister, and friends. But mostly it's just her observations and almost all of them made me smile. There were a few that I thought could have been left out since they were not particularly interesting, insightful, or funny, but overall I think she did a really nice job. It ranges from slapstick funny to fairly serious, and she covers it all in a style that is easy to read. I heard her voice in every word. Which might not be a good thing for people who don't enjoy her. But it's lots of fun for people who do. loved it so in reality a 4 1/2 star. i did not expect to like it that much. i really did not know that much about kathie lee gifford. she's a celebrity and that is not alot to recommend someone in my opinion. what do i know except too much hollywood can give everyone a bum rap. this is geared more for women and probably more for older women like myself. Devin you might not like it as much as i did. too much information on aging women. however as an aging woman i can appreciate it. the best part is her faith, loyalty, HUMOUR, and values. probably there is more but i am tired of typing and thinking.

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I finished it, but it was a chore. Makes a couple good points, but not worth the rest...

I loved this book! I happen to love Kathie Lee. There is plenty of humor and fun


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