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Just Revenge (2000)

Just Revenge (2000)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
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0446608718 (ISBN13: 9780446608718)
warner books (ny)

About book Just Revenge (2000)

This book is about an ethical dilemma - when is revenge just revenge or maybe the question is when is revenge just ? Regardless - at the center of the story is Max a 75 year old Holocaust survivor who one days discovers the man who murdered his family is living in the next town. What happens next is the basis for the book. I LOVED the end - from the last witness, to the end of the trial down to the very last page of the book. Very well done - and oh yes, tissues required for the ending in a sentimental way. Makes me think there is one more fictional story out there that Dershowitz wrote before this one, due to recurring references in the book to another story - I will have to seek that one out.

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