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Jumbo (2012)

Jumbo (2012)

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3.1 of 5 Votes: 4
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Todd Young

About book Jumbo (2012)

This one is a huge benchmark for me. Possibly the worst book I've ever read. For the love of all that is holy may I please get the last 2 hours of my life back. This entire book took place in a high school shower filled with 8 shower heads & 12 confused boys & buckets of semen. Don't get too excited- it wasn't hot. It was just sticky & unsanitary IMHO. Characters were atrocious to me (well except for Sally. She was the only likable one & they flattened her with a car). Depressing, sad, self loathing. Wow. My regrets are few--- NOT DNF-ing this one is high on the list. This was a very very baffling book. I find it hard to rate it, but it gets the mark for how it made me feel, rather than what I thought it was like.The topic was highly intriguing, and I wasn't aware that there are quite a few men who have a condition called "micropenis" which is not the same as having a "grower". A micropenis is a penis which will not exceed 1-2 inches fully erect, and more often than not show no external shaft while flaccid. Quite often these men have grave problems with their sexuality (difficulties effecting actual sex due lack of penetrative depth) and self esteem.This novel dealt with how a very naive teenage boy came to grips with this and the fact that he was also gay. Mix in a best friend who is gay-curious but in denial and a thug who develops surprising tenderness. It worked surprisingly well, especially given that the authorial voice sounded just as young and naive. Now, I read excerpts of Todd Young's other books and he sounds exactly the same there, so that appears to be his state of art. While I might criticise this more with other topics, as I said, here it was fine.This is a baffling book. Definitely.

Do You like book Jumbo (2012)?

A pretty cute teen m/m erotica. Fun to read like his other books.

Good story, wish there was more to the story :)

Cringeworthy, but I couldn't put it down.


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