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Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder Of The Girl Scouts (2012)

Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder of the Girl Scouts (2012)

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3.58 of 5 Votes: 2
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0670023302 (ISBN13: 9780670023301)
Viking Adult

About book Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder Of The Girl Scouts (2012)

Informative but a bit heavy on names and dates and therefore a bit of a dry read. I'd have liked to have heard more about the personalities and interactions of key players in a way that showed who they were rather than the dry factual reporting of their actions. In fairness to the author though, that may not be the type of book she wanted to write. If you like traditionally written history (emphasis on names, dates, places and famous names rather than people-driven history), this will work for you. Very well researched biography of the founder of the Girl Scouts. I actually enjoyed all the details of Daisy Low's life. My Mother was a Scout in the 20's, I was a Scout in the 50's and my daughters were Scouts in the 70's and 80's. As a Scout, you were expected to know certain facts about the Founder and the origins of the Scouts in general. This book is full of facts that might only be of interest to a former Scout: like the origin of the first Girl Scout Cookies, 1,000,000 baked by a troop in New York in 1924! Who knew!

Do You like book Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder Of The Girl Scouts (2012)?

Well-written and very interesting look at someone I have admired for years.

What a fascinating life the founder of GS led!

Can hardly wait to read bound and in print!

Great book!

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