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Joyous Health: Eat And Live Well Without Dieting (2014)

Joyous Health: Eat and Live Well without Dieting (2014)

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4.12 of 5 Votes: 5
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0143186914 (ISBN13: 9780143186915)
Penguin Canada

About book Joyous Health: Eat And Live Well Without Dieting (2014)

I don't usually read "Health" or "Self Help" books but I really enjoyed this one. It is very well written and one comes away with the feeling, "I can really do this!" The book's emphasis is on healthy eating - gluten free, organic, free range! There is no need to count calories, simply eat healthy and snack wisely, only eating when you are truly hungry and you will get to your ideal weight and glow with joyous health.Chia seeds, hemp seeds, quinoa, coconut oils and sugar, avoid processed foods,drink more lemon water, limit coffee and alcohol consumption, eat more vegetables, protein with every meal, chew and enjoy your food, take time to eat, reduce stress, superfoods to try and incorporate into your diet, "dirty foods" that are high in pesticides we should avoid, try and buy organic instead and foods high in antioxidants. Lots of information and you feel that if you only make one or two changes, it has to help!There are lots of great recipes to try too!Here's to a new me! One of her first suggestions is to ditch coffee, and that instantly made me loose some interest.Overall, I did enjoy this book. She has some fantastic tips and solid information here. There are plenty of photos and easy to follow recipes. At time, the writing does come over a bit preachy. I felt bad for my love of coffee and ketchup. I am interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle (hencs, the purchase) but there were times when the writing made me feel like a lesser being (although I do not believe that was the intention). I am excited to give some more of the recipes a try!

Do You like book Joyous Health: Eat And Live Well Without Dieting (2014)?

While not a vegetarian/vegan, I'm finding myself really loving some of these new releases. :)

A great resource for clean eating, with equal amounts tips and recipes.

Perhaps the best health-related book to ever catch my attention.

4.5 stars

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