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Jennifer's Way: My Journey With Celiac Disease--What Doctors Don't Tell You And How You Can Learn To Live Again (2014)

Jennifer's Way: My Journey with Celiac Disease--What Doctors Don't Tell You and How You Can Learn to Live Again (2014)

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0738217107 (ISBN13: 9780738217109)
Da Capo Lifelong Books

About book Jennifer's Way: My Journey With Celiac Disease--What Doctors Don't Tell You And How You Can Learn To Live Again (2014)

Amazing story. This was an emotional read for me. I completely understood all her fears and frustrations of dealing with an autoimmune disease. I can also relate to the frustration of being misdiagnosed for so many years. I admire her courage and strength for sharing her story. I also admire her courage to continue to fight for answers and help for her body and her health. She has had quite a journey. This was really interesting and quite frustrating too - mainly because it took so long for anyone to figure out what was wrong with Jennifer Esposito. She went through years of health problems so severe that, at times, she could hardly walk, her hair was falling out, and she was having terrible panic attacks. And still, doctors misdiagnosed her and gave her medications that, at best, made no difference and often made her worse. Finally, she was told she had severe celiac disease and has been able to start recovering her health, though it seems like slow going. Jennifer has nice authorial voice and her stories are interesting to hear too.

Do You like book Jennifer's Way: My Journey With Celiac Disease--What Doctors Don't Tell You And How You Can Learn To Live Again (2014)?

Really helpful information for anyone struggling with gluten intolerance and or celiac disease.

Instrumental in understanding how it feels to have celiac disease.

Wonderful book about her struggle with celiac disease.

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