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It's Not Just Who You Know: Transform Your Life (and Your Organization) By Turning Colleagues And Contacts Into Lasting, Genuine Relationships (2010)

It's Not Just Who You Know: Transform Your Life (and Your Organization) by Turning Colleagues and Contacts into Lasting, Genuine Relationships (2010)

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0307589137 (ISBN13: 9780307589132)
Crown Business

About book It's Not Just Who You Know: Transform Your Life (and Your Organization) By Turning Colleagues And Contacts Into Lasting, Genuine Relationships (2010)

I won this book from the 12 Books Group and overall, really liked May's selection. I felt it was easy to ready and had a good overall message.I think the biggest takeaway is the chart of the Five Floors of Relationships. The book goes into much detail about each of the relationships in the chart and Tommy Spaulding does a good job of filling in the pages with personal stories of these kinds of relationships and how it has led him to success in his own life. I felt the stories were pretty good, but I did feel at some points that the relationships he had were a lot by chance for him and that most people don't get so lucky. But, I think the overall takeaway is great.I enjoyed the "relationship shifter" points at the end of the several chapters/sections.I give this book 4 stars because I really thing this book or at least the concepts are really great. I think relationships take you a long way and no opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with people should be missed. But, I felt like the last third of the book suffered from repetitiveness and I think could have been shortened. I felt the book dragged a bit towards the end and the stories weren't as strong anymore. But, that's just my opinion, and either way, I felt like the overall book was well written and really flowed well.I definitely will refer to these different floors of relationships in my work and leadership roles! Tales of a goody two shoes. In the world of the Lion’s Club, Elks Club, Rotary, Shriner’s and other community-minded organization networking, Tommy Spaulding is a ninth-degree blackbelt. Everyone likes him and he likes everyone. Despite being a self-described idiot, he has achieved an ill-defined level of success by being a mensch. Unfortunately his book offers little insight into how one emulates this ability. Rather the book covers his life of do-goodery and willingness to spend a lot of time listening to people’s dull, self-involved stories. Readers for some reason interested in Spaulding may find some value in the book but those looking for self-help should look elsewhere.

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Relationships Baby!!Leadership n Life....It's All About Relationships..

Started reading after seeing Tommy speak at a PRSA event.

Nice book but really repetitive.

Great book!

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