About book It's Not About You: A Little Story About What Matters Most In Business (2011)
An excellent follow up to "The Go Giver" and a book that should be on the "To Read" list of nearly anyone working in any sort of business (and in particular, leaders and managers).Told in the familiar parable format made popular by "The One Minute Manager", "Who Moved My Cheese" and other business books, this book outlines five keys to leadership focused on the idea made explicit by the book's title "it's not about you."I want to go back and re-read "The Go Giver" again, and then re-read this immediately afterwards, as the two together create a powerful message about success in business (and in life).If it's not clear by the above, I definitely recommend this book. I graciously won this book through goodreads giveaway.This book is short and straight to the point which I like. It tells the story of how to be a leader without realizing you are learning. The main character in the book is easy to relate with and I was able to enjoyably breeze through this book in no time.My only concern is that I still don't really have a grasp on exactly what the authors are trying to say makes a good leader. Maybe writing another book and giving a new example with the same principles would help. Maybe I'm just daft.I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a leadership position of some sort.
Do You like book It's Not About You: A Little Story About What Matters Most In Business (2011)?
Checked out from my online library. Good read. Fast too. Good common sense leadership fable.
I'm a sucker for business stories. I'm going to practice not saying I.