About book It's Always Personal: Navigating Emotion In The New Workplace (2011)
This book illustrates the problems involved with emotional management in the workplace. The author examines such areas as crying/sadness, fear, anger, and anxiety. The author discusses her own personal experience working for a large media-type firm and shares examples of other women and men who have had to face these issues in the workplace.I was a little disappointed with the practical strategies sections and I had hoped they would be longer and more concrete. I was also hoping that the "test" that Anne Kreamer covers in the book would actually be outlined in the book for the reader to take at home and not on the author's website. I admit that I didn't go take the test, but I did save the site to my bookmarks so maybe, someday. "I recently heard this author on The Today Show, and as a result, this topic peaked my interest. A topic of controversy - always shrouded in shame, frustration, and as the author states in her title - personal. I'm confident this book will bring insight to anyone who has shed tears in the workplace or who has been on the receiving end. Remember the saying there's no crying in baseball?� Anne Kreamer should be praised for breaking the silence on the topic of emotions in the workplace. She has personalized the topic by sharing publicly on The Today Show of her own personal experience while as Vice President at Nickelodeon."
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Was this book interesting? Yes. Was it helpful? That remains to be seen.
I'm only partway through, but I think everyone should read this book!