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It's A Firefly Night (2013)

It's a Firefly Night (2013)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 1
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1609052919 (ISBN13: 9781609052911)
Blue Apple Books

About book It's A Firefly Night (2013)

This is a truly fantastic children's book. Aside from the wonderful and colourful illustrations, this book is amazing because the story is so good and makes the reader feel so involved. I loved that this story did not just focus on the little girl, but on nature and her perception of the world around her. This is the kind of book that I want to read with my children over and again. it makes a great bedtime story as well as a perfect gift. Highly recommended. I am a retired elementary teacher from Ohio currently teaching future teachers at a university. I mulled using this book that I won on goodreads in my class, but have decided it best belongs in the hands of my granddaughter adalyn. She does not have fireflies where she lives and this book will be a treasure and remembrance of her visits to ohio. I will be sending Diane Adalyn's photo with her lovely book.

Do You like book It's A Firefly Night (2013)?

Nice illustrations, fun facts at the end of the book. Very pleasing to read aloud.

Beautiful book! The little girl, daddy, and dog remind me (Mommy) of J^2 & Murray!

It is a very cute book. It is simple to read and my baby niece loves it.

Adorable illustrations!

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