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Inventing Memory: A Novel Of Mothers And Daughters (1998)

Inventing Memory: A Novel of Mothers and Daughters (1998)

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3.33 of 5 Votes: 4
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0061091804 (ISBN13: 9780061091803)
harpercollins publishers

About book Inventing Memory: A Novel Of Mothers And Daughters (1998)

Loved your blog -- and boy did you nail Jong as a shallow starf***er who's really only into name dropping rather than insight. Gertrude Stein really was more interesting, but see, Jong is only interested in how cool her characters are, not how cool the famous people are. They're just props!Having said that, I did think this was slighly better than her other books. But as Woodrow Call says, "that still ain't much of a recommendation for it!"

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