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Insects Are Just Like You And Me Except Some Of Them Have Wings (2008)

Insects Are Just Like You and Me Except Some of Them Have Wings (2008)

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8190605631 (ISBN13: 9788190605632)
Blaft Publications

About book Insects Are Just Like You And Me Except Some Of Them Have Wings (2008)

Not quite what I expected, and not exactly a bad thing!I liked it, even though it is not - how do I say it? - an exactly likable, comfortable, nice-nice text. So: Manickavel's prose is quirky, lovely, stylish. The content of the stories, the characters that populate them, their relationships with each other, and what happens to all of them are largely very unsettling and strange. It is quite unlike anything I've ever read before. I picked up the book not realizing that it was a book of short stories. The first story opened brilliantly, full of grainy, quirky realism( and unrealism). Unfortunately, it ended before it began. Which is the main problem with the rest of the stories - they are all just too short! There is something raw and alive in Kuzhali's writing. She's fresh even in the sapped air of Chennai. I'm eagerly awaiting a full-length novel that I can sink my teeth into.

Do You like book Insects Are Just Like You And Me Except Some Of Them Have Wings (2008)?

Very interesting collection of weird short, short fiction by odd Tamilian Manickavel.

Recommended to people who hate me.. and more to those that I hate..

The overwhelming emotion was one of strangeness!

Like turning poems or dreams into stories.

Easily among my favorite books.

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