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Inheritance (2005)

Inheritance (2005)

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3.64 of 5 Votes: 1
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0393327116 (ISBN13: 9780393327113)
w. w. norton & company

About book Inheritance (2005)

I love most of Sam's short story collection Hunger but for the last one pipa's story. Now it goes the same with this debut novel. I couldnt appreciate stories of historical theme/set in old china from chinese american writers. They reads identical(for me). Just like eating your first sushi and the second one is always not as tasty. I believe her talents are better manifested in her other stories centered on Chinese diaspora in America. Writing historical themes is more like a research which must have benefited herself tremendously, but I think Sam, as well as other Chinese American writers, should really be more focused on Chinese American experiences. I grew up in Shanghai and I know the original love story about hangzhou's west lake and the "Thunder Peak Pagoda", which Sam phrased at the very beginning of this novel. It is certainly a loyal, careful translation but I just feel a bit awkward to encounter this within a different context in English. By the way I also think Chinese have once used this "pagoda" for propagandistic purpose. Anyways maybe I will enjoy this novel later, and I sincerely wish Sam good!

Spanning 4 generations of a Chinese family, beginning before World War II in China and ending in present in the United States, this work is about mother/daughter relationships. A real strength of the work is the understanding one gains of the culture of the family, in particular those traditions which are foreign to our way of thinking: the power of the male and in particular the need for a male child. Although the women in this narrative are all smart and strong, their backs are broken because of this particular burden. It is their responsibility to bear a male child; it is their failure when a girl is born (forget the reality of genetics and that the sperm determines the sex of the child). The story begins with a suicide, one which echoes down the generations of this family of women. In their pursuit of sons, men often take second wifes and/or concubines. As one can imagine, this does not make for a happy household---and how much more divisive if the concubine is one's sister.

Do You like book Inheritance (2005)?

Meg Storey (Editor, Tin House Books): In preparation for a panel I will moderate at the Tin House Summer Writer’s Workshop, I am reading Lan Samantha Chang’s first novel, Inheritance. While my reading could be considered “homework,” it’s homework that I don’t want to put down. The story of Junan and her younger sister, Yinan, opens in pre-revolution, 1930s China, as their mother, who has not borne her husband a son and worries he will take another wife, commits suicide. Chang’s quiet yet vivid prose beautifully depicts not only a time and setting I knew little about but also the characters and the conflicts and challenges they face, particularly the female characters, as their country changes.

liked this much more than i thought i would upon starting. happily avoids annoying writing or amy tan cliche territory. chang's writing is subtle and complex without struggling to appear so. in fact, her writing is disarmingly easy to read, drawing you in. even though she plays around with point of view and the book had great flow. she did that show dont tell thing in terms of story beautifully while being relatively clear (my head wasn't even completely in the game) about the historical context and events.

Chang handles the slippery theme of loyalty when personal desire clashes with commitments to family, culture, or nation. Her characters are real in that they fail to resolve the betrayals they generate, and yet they each succeed in following their individual choices, each paying a heavy price. In spite of personal infidelities along with the disruptions of war and political upheaval that disperses the family over five generations into China, Taiwan, and America, the family holds together by thin threads. Told from the point of view of Hong, the daughter of Junan, it is primarily a story of her mother and her aunt, the two sisters who love the same man, who is Hong's father, a Nationalist Army general, a war hero, and a traitor. Like her father, Hong too follows her heart. Yet, it is never quite her story that takes center stage. In this sense, Chang, depicts the power of the family to overshadow the individual, even when living in the throes of war or in another culture in another land.

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