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In The Shadow Of The Ark (2006)

In the Shadow of the Ark (2006)

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3.3 of 5 Votes: 4
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0425211029 (ISBN13: 9780425211021)

About book In The Shadow Of The Ark (2006)

Pretty funny (and telling) that looking through the reviews of this, almost all of them are by women. Midrash-like chick lit? I suppose, but this book definitely has some depth. It sucked me in, and really interestingly delved into the "other people's shoes" dimension about what it was like for those "on the other side of the ark," so to speak, in the Noah's ark story. Raises some pretty salient and discomfiting questions about justice as the ark is being built, and pretty fascinating imaginings of how it must have been for animals to suddenly come pouring in from all over the place. Re Jana is a pretty interesting character, but like others' comments observed, she still feels a little distant as a narrator, as if there's a wall between you and her true self, but that doesn't seem too inaccurate for her personality. I would also agree that I didn't like the interpretation of Noah, but that's just sour grapes and not really relevant criticism.What I didn't like (and you may be noticing a pattern here if you've read my other reviews) is how the last third of the book seems to devolve into one sexcapade after another because presumably there's just not enough going on with the ark closing up and afterwards to keep us viably entertained? I think this raises some interesting racial questions but doesn't really deal with them (slaveholders justified having slaves based on an interpretation of Ham's descendants being cursed with a mark--blackness--and it seems like Re Jana is at very least not white). Left a sour taste in my mouth because of the sordidness towards the end, but an engaging read.

This is a bizarre and intensely dislikable book. It's been a while since I read it but I do remember that it didn't make much sense and that the end was really, really weird. In fact, it's a measure of how much this book aggravated me that about six years after reading it, I spent half an hour searching for it even though I couldn't remember the title or the author's full name, just to give it a bad review!I really wouldn't recommend it just in case you had any doubts. The main character is simply dislikable. My memory of Re Jana is that she came across as amoral and selfish and the rest of the characters are dislikable too. This book doesn't seem to be particularly historically accurate either but I suppose you could call that poetic license.There's a lot of sex in this book, particularly towards the end and it doesn't seem to serve any purpose or fit in with the rest of the story. It left a sour taste in my mouth, I've never come across such unattractive sex scenes. They reinforced my dislike of Re Jana.This book may have suffered a bit in translation because a lot of it just sounded wrong. Not in a grammatical way but in that it felt weirdly alien. All in all, it's not worth a read so I would advise anyone and everyone to avoid it at all costs.

Do You like book In The Shadow Of The Ark (2006)?

A weird interpretation of the Bible story of Noah and the ark. True, the Bible doesn't give a whole lot of detail, so I expected some artistic liberties would be taken. But this was a bit too off the mark for me. In this version, Noah was a sick old invalid who was keeping the reason for the ark a secret, not preaching repentance to the people. And the "chosen" (aka Noah and his family) were just as wicked, if not more so, than the rest of the people. Which is part of the author's point, I think.

So, interesting story about this book. I saw it at a book sale and was like, "Cool, a Noah's Ark book!", and since I had a thing for Noah's ark when I was a kid, I bought it. The author's name sounded familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't until I saw the same book on my uncle Vincent's bookshelf in Mexico that I realized Anne is one of my cousins that live in Belgium. So I decided to read this book before going to Belgium in case I might get the chance to meet Anne. Anne was in South America the week we were in Belgium, but it was still a very worthwhile read.This book gets compared to The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, but the only similarity is that they're both Old Testament stories retold from a woman's perspective. If you enjoyed The Red Tent, you'll probably enjoy In the Shadow of the Ark. And if you're like me and didn't enjoy The Red Tent, you'll probably still enjoy In the Shadow of the Ark, because the writing, character development, and theological probing are of much higher quality here. There were a few places where pieces seemed to be missing from the story, but I think a lot of that comes from this being a translation. Other than that, the writing is beautiful, the descriptions so vivid that I can still feel and taste them as I write this. In the Shadow of the Ark bravely challenges the God of the Old Testament and doesn't back down from raising questions about exactly what it means to be God's "chosen." The ending is a little depressing, but you knew there was going to be a terrible flood that wiped out all of creation, right?
—Lacey Louwagie

I enjoyed this book, although it was at times strange, but this may have something to do with translating issues. I am not big one the whole Noah's Ark story, but this was an interesting idea/twist with the way the "Chosen Ones" (Noah's family) dealt with their status, problems and delemas. On one level the way the Chosen Ones happily raped people, treated their people with contempt and disgust, abused people - including their own, and took on concubines, was contradictory and certainly not the way I would have believed righteous chosen Christian people should behave, however on another level - human nature is human nature. I liked the twists and turns towards the end. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but if you start this book, definitely finish it. I was entertained by this book.
—Sianne Morrison

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