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In The Right Light (2013)

In the Right Light (2013)

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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book In The Right Light (2013)

Sweet and yummy treat. Got my horticultural geek on with this one. Ripping up those lilac bushes was killing me, but Danny and Jamie made it alright. Cute short with some smexy fun. I, like Danny, appreciate a man who can toss me up against a wall. Favorite passage:“That the depths you see turn out to be shallows?”“Not going to happen. But,” with that smile that turned James inside out, Danny leaned in close again and whispered, “you’d be surprised just how shallow I can be, given the right incentive.” This was a very nice story that left me wanting for more. The length was just good enough to get enough of a feel for both characters, a sketch of their histories and perchance a dream, and of course their amazing chemistry. The dynamics in their families were realistic and added a lot of depth to their world. I wouldn't mind reading more about these two, and how they navigate the treacherous shoals of building a lasting and meaningful relationship (and a business?) together.

Do You like book In The Right Light (2013)?

sweet. lots of things happening & not enough to make it all finish happening!

Very sweet little read

3.5 ☆

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