About book In The Green Kitchen: Techniques To Learn By Heart (2010)
I received this book as a gift and was looking forward to it after having enjoyed "The Art of Simple Food" so much. This book is visually lovely, but its function was a fundraiser for a foundation, so it has many more pages fully devoted to photographs of famous chefs than it does recipes or information on cooking.It doesn't have much to do with the current concept of "green," either, so the title is rather confusing. The techniques are very basic: slicing an onion, roasting a chicken, peeling a tomato-- if you were paying attention while someone was cooking during your youth, you know how to do all of these techniques. If not, there are excellent YouTube videos to teach you everything.This one will go to the library book sale and continue its purpose of raising money for worthy organizations. This is a very pretty book. The cover's pretty. The pictures inside are pretty. The chefs photographed are pretty.Pretty pretty pretty.Also? Lovely font. ...And, if you can't find your mortar and pestil, you can use this book to grind up your freshly shorn wheat. Seriously, I just...I found one recipe I liked. ONE. That is unheard of, I'm a recipe whore.
Do You like book In The Green Kitchen: Techniques To Learn By Heart (2010)?
There were only a couple of pages I was interested in. It wasn't quite what I expected.
Lots of info & recipes for living clean & simple! I loved it.