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In Search Of Cleo: How I Found My Pussy And Lost My Mind (2012)

In Search of Cleo: How I Found My Pussy and Lost My Mind (2012)

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1592407668 (ISBN13: 9781592407668)

About book In Search Of Cleo: How I Found My Pussy And Lost My Mind (2012)

I really enjoyed this book, it was a quick read, would be perfect for a plane trip. In the book, Gina journals the weeks she spent searching for her cat who got lost in LA. Along the way she relates some of her current and past life experiences, which are very different from most. I think she has a gift for writing and it seems she may have psychic connections or gifts as well. If you enjoy that kind of thing, this book is worth reading for fun. If you don't believe in psychics or angels, you may not like it. But, if you are a cat lover, you can completely relate to the gut wrenching feeling of losing your cat and trying to find it in what appears to be a hopeless situation. Recently on a flight I sat next to a ghost writer: someone who writes books for others. All through this book I was wondering if Gina Gershon actually wrote it. If so, I give her a pass because writing is not her life's work. If not, I'm doubly disappointed, because the writing was very bad. I consider myself a cat person only insofar as I have two. I am not Gershon's kind of cat person. She speaks of them as if they were lovers - as in those who have one night stands, take her on dates, and literally speak to her. I tend to believe people when they speak openly about their otherwise crazy beliefs, like "my cat talks to me" or "I swear I knew this man in a past life." But she is full of that, and jumps so quickly from one to the other that you start to wonder what Gershon DOESN'T believe is real. Instead of going on the ride with her, I just wanted to get off. Why didn't I? Because the book is short enough that I read it in about an hour. Though it is peppered with mismatched anecdotes of Gershon's childhood, I know no more about her than I did yesterday - except that she has an affinity for cats and believes a lot of weird shit. The photos are blurry and terrible, the drawings are obscure and juvenile. You have to be a much bigger fan of Gershon than I am to give it more than one star.

Do You like book In Search Of Cleo: How I Found My Pussy And Lost My Mind (2012)?

A cute, quick read -- and totally makes me feel less crazy for my love of our animals :)

Quick read, would have liked it better if I wasn't freaked out by cats!

Very light poolside reading. Interesting if you're a cat owner.

Fun and enlightening. A great read for all cat lovers.

Perfect plane read, and took just a few hours.

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