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In Fond Remembrance Of Me: A Memoir Of Myth And Uncommon Friendship In The Arctic (2006)

In Fond Remembrance of Me: A Memoir of Myth and Uncommon Friendship in the Arctic (2006)

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0312425228 (ISBN13: 9780312425227)

About book In Fond Remembrance Of Me: A Memoir Of Myth And Uncommon Friendship In The Arctic (2006)

This is the story of Howard Norman's work translating as ethnographer and linguist translating the Inuit folk tale versions of the Noah's Ark stories as told to him by Mark Nuqac, an Inuit elder in Manitoba. Norman, then 27, weaves the folk tales themselves with his personal experience of meeting and befriending Helen Tanizaki, who as fate would have it is there translating the same stories into Japanese while struggling with terminal stomach cancer. You would think this is a recipe for disaster and melodrama, but it's neither. For its quick and fluid and sparse 170 pages, this book deals gently with friendship, loss, myth, linguistics, and ornithology with poise and equal dexterity.

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