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In A Lover's Silence (2011)

In a Lover's Silence (2011)

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Downtime Press

About book In A Lover's Silence (2011)

Good suspense with a quirky heroine and a sexy Deputy US Marshal. The heroine has a job we all hate. She works for a bill collector agency in Alaska. In one of her latest quest to find a man that owes money that has been turned over to collections she discovers something is fishy about the man's name and tracks it back to Texas. When she makes a phone call she doesnt realize this is going to set off the radar of a Texas US Marshal Seth Vassar who's been looking for killer for 5 years. After Wynne is interviews by the Marshall and the FBI she doesn't just sit back and lick her wounds after losing her job. No, she decides to keep on investigating (and actually does a better job than the FBI and Marshall's have) and help find the real identity of the killer, not realizing this puts her on the radar of the killer. The tension between Wynne and Seth is hot from the beginning but Wynne doesnt play the damsel in distress well and certainly gives Seth a run for his money. This was a fantastic book! Qwilla Rain did a wonderful job of keeping me on the edge of my seat. She had just the right amount of suspense and mystery with the romance. The two main characters were completely lovable and had me rooting for them from the beginning. The female had the right amount of strength and vulnerability to make her a real person.I'm looking forward to reading more books by Qwilla Rain!

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good - entertaining & hot at times. somewhat predictable but entertaining nonetheless.

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