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Immortal Warrior (2008)

Immortal Warrior (2008)

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0425224546 (ISBN13: 9780425224540)

About book Immortal Warrior (2008)

Ivar ist einer von neun nordischen Kriegern, die vor langer Zeit zu ewigem Leben verflucht wurden, abgeschnitten von jeglicher Gesellschaft. Denn mit dem Kommen und Gehen der Nacht verwandelt sich jeder von ihnen in ein Tier, das kaum noch ein menschliches Bewusstsein kennt. Als Ivar gezwungen wird, die junge Adlige Alaida zu heiraten, hat er plötzlich alles, was er sich je ersehnt hat, verführerisch nah vor Augen: ein Heim und eine schöne Frau. Nur wie lange kann er verbergen, dass er sich jeden Tag bei Sonnenaufgang als Adler in die Lüfte erhebt? Doch Ivar will sein neues Leben – und Alaida – -auf keinen Fall aufgeben, nicht einmal, als die dunkle Vision eines Sehers ein furchtbares Unheil vorhersagt! "Unsterbliche Liebe" ist der erste Band der "Nachtkrieger"- Reihe von Lisa Hendrix. Dieses Buch bietet eine spannende und romantische Geschichte in der Zeit des frühen Mittelalters. Weiterhin wurde der paranormale Teil innerhalb dieses Buches nicht allzu aufdringlich gestaltet, stattdessen wurde er auf angenehme Art und Weise und stets angemessen in die Handlung mit eingebunden und verknüpft. Ab und an waren ein paar Längen innerhalb der Geschichte zu finden, die aber durch die einfallsreiche Handlung hinwegtäuschen konnten. Außerdem haben die unvorhersehbaren Wendungen ihren Teil zu einer tollen Geschichte beigetragen. "Unendliche Liebe" ist für die Zeit in der dieses Buch spielt doch schon recht modern gehalten, da hier die Standesdünkel und kastenähnlichen Zustände nicht zu stark zum tragen kommen, sodass die Handlung jederzeit angenehme Unterhaltung bietet und sich auf das Wesentliche beschränkt. Dieser erste Band bietet eine tolle Story eingebettet in historischer und romantischer Fantasy und macht Lust auf weitere Bände dieser vielversprechenden Reihe.Ivar ist ein sympathischer und interessanter Charakter, der innerhalb dieses Buches viel über sich lernt und fern ab von jeglicher Grausamkeit gegenüber handelt. Dennoch ist er ein Krieger, der seine Familie verteidigt. Alaida ist eine patente junge Frau, die sich zu wehren weiß und nicht auf den Mund gefallen ist. Die zarten Bande die zwischen ihr und Ivar nach und nach wachsen, sind schön mitzuerleben; ohne Kitsch ist es stets den Situationen angemessen und bietet eine tolle Waage zwischen Liebe und Abenteuer.Der Sprachstil ist flüssig und leicht; er ist der damaligen Zeit angemessen und verständlich ohne dabei übertrieben zu wirken oder das historische Gefühl zu vernachlässigen.Das Cover kann mich jetzt nicht wirklich überzeugen, schafft es aber den Inhalt einigermaßen widerzuspiegeln. Tracy was kind enough to loan me her copy of Immortal Warrior by Lisa Hendrix. She read it and quite enjoyed it, as did PJ at RNTV. The premise sounded interesting to me, a group of warriors cursed by a sorceress to live half their lives as men, half as the irtalisman animals. In the case of our hero, Ivar Graycloak, an eagle. So, by day, he is an eagle, and at sunset he becomes a man. When we meet Ivar, he is in a meeting with William the Conqueror who is inquiring as to what gift Ivar would like in reparation for his service to the crown. Usually Ivar takes money, but instead, this time, he asks for lands. He is gifted with Alnwick, and the heiress of that estate, who he must take to wife. Ivar has lived centuries with no lands and no woman, so he agrees readily to the statutes of the gift.When Ivar arrives at Alnwick, he meets the lady Alaida, who is a smart mouthed, but well trained lady, who has been maintaining Alnwick and its lands in the absence of her grandfather (who was arrested and stripped of his lands for treason). Needless to say, she is less than pleased with Alnwick's new lord and she is furious to hear that she's to be given as a bride to him. So displeased, in fact that she resolves to steal away to a convent rather than submit. Of course, Ivar (known as Ivo, for reasons I wasn't clear about) catches her and insists she give her word to agree to marry him, for the good of her people. Alaida agrees reluctantly to wed him. They have one very hot night together, but to Alaida's dismay, Ivo leaves her before dawn, and informs her that he'll be doing the same every single day of their lives. Of course, Alaida is mortified by her husband's hasty departure from her bed.Ivo travels with two companions, also cursed by the sorceress, one, Brand was actually the leader of the men who were cursed, and he carries the guilt of the curse with him. He transforms each night to a bear, and has no awareness of what happens during the time he is a bear. As an aside, Ivo remembers bits and pieces of the time that he passes as an eagle. Brand and Ivo also travel with Ari, whose form is a raven. Ari, though, is opposite from Ivo and Brand in that he his a man by day, and a raven by night. This allows them to safely maintain their illusions, since Ari is with Alaida during the day, and can handle any issues that arise, and vice versa with Ivo. Ari is also cursed with visions where he can foresee the future.It is after Ivo and Alaida's first night as man and wife that Ari has a vision that tells him that should Alaida conceive, the baby will be cursed as Ivo is. Ivo must immediately forego the marriage bed. Obviously very unhappy news for Ivo.The set up for this book is just the sort that I love. Paranormal, medieval, and a strong and snappy heroine with a mostly patient hero who is more amused by her antics than anything. But for some reason, I found it very easy to put this book down. I think part of the reason for this is that the book is setting up the world, as it's clear that there are going to be many in this series written. So there was quite a bit of info dumping. Also, even though I understood his motives, I was really frustrated by how long Ivo went on with the lies that he had to tell to Alaida to continue his charade. I felt sorry for her, because she really didn't understand, and he expected pretty much total acceptance from her. Which I understand is probably more historically correct, but it made me have a really hard time warming up to him. The story itself is well written and has a really imaginative premise. But overall, I just didn't love it. I'm not sure I'd read another, especially since it seems book 2 is about a character I've never heard of, which means I'm less attached than usual. I do undestand why other readers enjoyed the book, but it just didn't keep my attention enough for me to want to read the next in the series.Final grade: C

Do You like book Immortal Warrior (2008)?

Fabulous book! Can't wait to finish the others... keep 'em coming, Lisa! Minnette :o)

interesting new twist on shape shifter novels

The German translation of Immortal Warrior.

Predictabel and boring

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Other books in category Romance