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Immortal Lycanthropes (2012)

Immortal Lycanthropes (2012)

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3.44 of 5 Votes: 4
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0547751966 (ISBN13: 9780547751962)
Clarion Books

About book Immortal Lycanthropes (2012)

Recommended with Caution [return][return]Myron Horowitz lives with his adoptive parents in Pennsylvania and becomes the victim of relentless bullying. He looks like he is 8 years old and has horrible scars on his face. Suddnely, life changes for Myron because he realizes that he is some sort of immortal lycanthrope and he goes on the run. He meets other lycanthropes along the way, but none of them can be trusted and they are all trying to kill each other. Myron has no idea what kind of animal he turns into or where he came from. Fortunately, at the end of the book Myron transforms and will possibly go far away from the fighting.[return][return]I had a really difficult time getting through this book. It seems to be slow paced and I am still somewhat confused by the point of the story. It is dark and maybe it’s supposed to be pulp fiction-like, but I am not sure what the author was going for. I think it might appeal to boys.[return][return]It had many obscure references and big words, which I think, would put it out of reach for a middle school reader. For example, “There is a famous paradox, probably already familiar to you from the letters of Paul: Epimenides the Cretan has stated that all Cretans are liars. But if Cretans are liars, who trusts Epimenides the Cretan when he tells us all Cretans are liars? If you are a space robot, your circuits have already been fried by reading this.” There are many points throughout the book that will leave you scratching your head.[return][return]The cover art and the art throughout the book are very well done. I do not see many curricular connections besides reading science fiction or adventure books. I think it’s sort of a modern, surreal novel. I would agree with the review that said there was a “hefty dose of the absurd.” It will not appeal to the average reader. The writing and the dialogue flow smoothly, so I hate to dismiss it. Maybe others will enjoy it more than I did. This Book puts a whole new spin on the term Were-animals. in this story the character have the ability to choose when they change into their animal forms- in fact it is suggested that they were animals first, and then assumed humans forms later. the story is about deformed teenage lycanthrope named Myron, who is first picked on mercilessly by bullies, and then whisked away by another set of people who claim he is a lycan (lycanthrope). it is told from the point of view of another lycan, who by the way doesn't meet him until very late in the story. This lycan- unlike most of the other lycan- wants to help him, the others want him dead for one reason or another. The story follows Myron from when he discovers he is a lycan, until he discovers just exactly what kind of animal he is and comes to terms with it.All in all a very funny, good book

Do You like book Immortal Lycanthropes (2012)?

honestly, this cover is so rad, i don't even care what it is about; i must have it.

So far seems to be a grouchy narrator..Not ready to put the book away just yet.

Good beginning, but I was lost by the end.

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