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Imaginable (2000)

Imaginable (2000)

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About book Imaginable (2000)

Imaginable is the second book of the Intangible series and I found it great that I could read it straight after the first book so I had it all fresh in my mind. I loved this as much if not more than the first book. It was still focused on Sera and Luke their magical powers and yet again they got themselves into danger or do they just attract it?I found the book was more intense, scarier, fast pacing from the very beginning and totally gripping. I could not put it down as I needed to know what would happen throughout.Another fantastic read from J. Meyers. Very well written. A Must read!!! Imaginable continues the story of Luke, Sera, and their group of gifted and supernatural friends. J. Meyers once again brings together action, magic, wonder and teenage angst to create a fresh, passionate story with characters that make us keep reading just to find out if they will be okay. While the world of the Fae is somewhat familiar to readers who are fans of other stories involving the supernatural Fae world, it's also unique with moments of humor and wonder as we see it through Sera and Luke's eyes. The beauty vs. the ugliness is not always as black and white as it first seems. I liked that aspect of the story a lot. I truly enjoyed this second story in the series, and thought the author did a wonderful job of portraying teenagers without letting them get too over the top. New characters are introduced that really add to the story, and I grew to like the original characters even more. While there is enough romance to satisfy teens and adults, it's not too much for the younger teens. The action is fast paced and there are plenty of surprises along the way.Fans of Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong's YA stories and Heather Brewer's books will love this series.

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J Meyers has done it again and I can't wait for more in this series!!!!! Oh Jonas...

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Good good :-)

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