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I'm A Turkey! (2009)

I'm A Turkey! (2009)

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3.41 of 5 Votes: 1
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0439903645 (ISBN13: 9780439903646)
Scholastic Press

About book I'm A Turkey! (2009)

This is a really neat book that exceeded my expectations. There is a ton of interesting turkey tidbits inside about turkey life. This would be a really good introductory activity or science lesson, and it can easily be manipulated to cover a variety of topics. Personally, I would love this as a Thanksgiving read, as long as it doesn't make for too many picky kids at the dinner which point a "Circle of Life" conversation may be in order. This is, out of the small number of Thanksgiving themed books we've read this holiday, the best of the best. I'm not sure if it's really a four star book or if it's shining brighter because of what came before it. The text is in rhyme which is preferable to both of us. Julia loves when we find a good story that I can read to her and which has a nice, melodic flow to it. I can't say I disagree. This is about turkeys and how they comminucate, live together, multiply, etc.It's very, very short, there isn't much to it at all. I'd say it's under a minute total reading time. Apparently a song can be downloaded for free (my editions says) but we haven't gotten it.This would be the book I'd recommend to a parent looking for a Thanksgiving holiday book for kids between the ages of baby-6 maybe? Julia is a little over 5 and she got a real kick out of it. the illustrations are nothing spectacular but are enjoyable. The look on some of the turkeys faces are the best....

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Notes:funny pictures appealed to 6yo son who loves turkeysstory rhythm is a bit off

A fun little story with great illustrations all about turkeys and how they live.

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