I really enjoyed Mr. Bernstein's previous two books and was looking forward to this one. It was an okay read, but I was very much disappointed. Like the other two, it was an autobiography, sure, but the others read much more like novels to me. This one seemed to be a jumble of various thoughts and memories with no solid story or idea for me to really get excited about. Plus, there was a lot of repetition. He re-told many stories that I'd read in the previous books. That was too be expected, I suppose, as he didn't want to alienate new readers. But, then, he continued to tell these stores two or three times again, after already mentioning them. He mentioned the night under the Central Park Golden Willow, for instance, many times, re-hashing details he'd already divulged.I have a great respect for Mr. Bernstein and what he's accomplished, especially in light of his age, but I don't feel this book was a solid addition to his writing repertoire. If you've read the others, though, you might as well read it, as it was at least "okay." This book was good but I can relate to another reviewer's review of one of his other books where they said that his writing didn't really evoke a lot of emotion out of the reader. The story was nice but the writing was pretty simple and I felt like he repeated a number of events to try and make it more passionate but it didn't really work (for me). I also didn't really feel like it was the story of their love but rather a story of his life before and after her death.
Do You like book Il Giardino Dorato (2009)?
Probably a must read to finish off Harry's memoir, but it repeated too much and was quite sad.
I really enjoyed all three of Mr. Bernstein's memoirs. Recommend.
Heartwarming to think people still love like this!
Lots of repetition and pats on the back.