Do You like book Ignore Everybody: And 39 Other Keys To Creativity (2009)?
It looks like a ton of people hated this book! I loved it, but that is probably because I read it as an artist who was just seriously starting out. Many of the ideas in the book may seem like no brainers, but if you are new to the art world, they may just be the thing you need to get going. The idea that in order to be successful as an artist and get ahead of the competition you must do your art every day was ground breaking to me at the time, and left a lasting impression until this day. I know, I know...that sounds pretty much like common sense, but it was the delivery of the idea that made it so impactful. I say read the book, especially if you are new to being a professional in the art world. You never know what will jump out at you.
I've noticed that a lot of other reviewers gave this book only a star or two but I really enjoyed it. It's a very fast read but it has some good advice, actually very realistic advice, that I haven't seen in writing before. Yes, a lot of it is common sense but sometimes you just have to see it in writing to have it sink in. I really like his "Sex & Cash" theory and for people like me who have normal day jobs but do creative things like write or paint on the side, this theory is something to think about.
Simple, effective, and well-said.