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If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (2008)

If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (2008)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 1
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160336448X (ISBN13: 9781603364485)
Mainstream Connections Publishing

About book If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (2008)

Wonderful way to cover the subject of dyslexia for children. The story is about a young girl that observes people. After asking her dad to help spell a word, she learns her dad has dyslexia. Her investigative practice of learning lead her to some suggestions for her teacher and classmate.This was an rewarding all around read. The illustrations were vivid and worked well in moving the story forward. The suggested website at the end is extraordinary. Check it out for ways to make connections by visiting Must add to every kindle...certainly recommend. Katie thinks that her dad is the smartest person around. One night she asks him for help with her spelling, but he says for that you'll need your mom. Katie asks her dad if your so smart, how come you can't spell Mississippi? He explains to her about being dyslexic. He tells her that with dyslexia it's hard for him to read and spell. He explains to her that those things are hard for him and he has to work at them but he does it! Katie want's to know more about dyslexia so she goes to the library and finds a book on it. She learns that many smart people have dealt with being dyslexic. This book helps children understand what dyslexia really is. I would recommend this book to teachers, parents, and anyone who works with children.

Do You like book If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (2008)?

This is a nice book to use in teaching tolerance and overcoming disabilities.

Great book for kids to learn about dyslexia.

Very sweet, cute, educational!!!

Great book for children!

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