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If Tomorrow Comes (1985)

If Tomorrow Comes (1985)

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0006479677 (ISBN13: 9780006479673)
william morrow and co., inc.

About book If Tomorrow Comes (1985)

Ah, here comes rolling in another author everyone, but me, thinks great. Not that I think they are bad, but maybe their style is just not meant for me. Or rather the style of that one particular book is not for me and it is just unfortunate that I have had to pick that instead of any of their other books. So to say that I don't like Sidney Sheldon when If Tomorrow Comes is the only book I have read, or Neil Gaiman when I have only read The Graveyard Book is unfair and untimely. I always give these 'great' authors second chance - in case of Stephen King even third and fourth even though each time our relationship failed miserably.On to reviewing If Tomorrow Comes. The book was about Tracy Whitney whose life turned upside down overnight when her mother committed suicide after being cheated by a gang of mafia. One day she was the happiest woman in the world about to get married to one of the most eligible bachelors in 100 miles radius, the next day she went to threaten a mafia and was accused of stealing an expensive painting and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. This would be a good book in itself if it was just about how Tracy extracted her revenge from the mafia, persecutor and judge who worked together to throw her into prison and from her ex-fiancee who refused to help her and left their unborn baby dead. But the revenge part was so short and the story was more about Tracy's new life as a con woman. While it was fun reading about the genius schemes pulled by Tracy, the fact that these seemingly two separate stories were cramped together into one book was annoying. And the fact that I read this thick book in approximately 24-hour while simultaneously re-watching Shawshank Redemption meant I did not waste time enjoying the style of Sidney Sheldon's writing.Yep, did not like the style of writing. Reminded me too much of Mario Puzo's The Godfather. That fast-paced plot and you know, that unnecessarily detailed introduction to other characters along with their background and motives. Only in Mario Puzo's case, he did not waste his saliva on minor characters. Sheldon however had so much ink to waste he ranted about police inspectors which appeared only once, never to be heard of again. That to me, was not fleshing out characters. That was wasting my time. I guess this kind of style is good to sell books. Puzo admitted that The Godfather was for his drawn purse string, something to appeal to the mass. And Sheldon wrote for television and whatnot before he started writing novels, didn't he?Not to mention that apart from Tracy Whitney, there were no particular characters that I really liked. And I did not even like Tracy that much. That transformation she had from a naive weak young woman waiting for others to save her to what people nowadays called kick-ass heroine was laudable (it was funny how the old Tracy was so gullible that she kept judging people wrongly, and every time she decided she liked a person she would be betrayed). But it annoyed me how the question of moral only sprang forth at the beginning of her involvement in criminal world and after that when she just enjoyed pitting her wits against other smart people, moral just flew out of the windows. No mention about it whatsoever - being a Robin Hood who robbed from greedy wealthy people was justifiable because those people were greedy and bad. Except this Robin Hood kept his acquisition to himself and gave to charity once in a while and could be found spending more money travelling in limousine and throwing out exclusive parties than on the aforementioned charity. Justice my feet. Who gave you authority to be god and judge people's sin?I wished the opposite camp was better then maybe it would be a balm to my soul but no, Tracy's archenemy Daniel Cooper was just eww. Disgusting. Like it would make me happier Tracy did not get caught because those who followed the rule were not nice people. No, it did not. And I must make a mention here that I just hated Jeff Stevens. The combination of these two beautiful smart people who easily passed any obstacles in their path as if they were strolling in a park brought me anything but happiness.And finally, did Tracy never remember her mother? I wished she had, considering how her mother died. The moment Tracy became a swindler all she seemed to care about was looking for the next challenge. Goodbye Mom, rest in peace. Does not matter that you died because of swindlers and now I am a swindler too, but life is full of irony so yeah, just grin and bear it.Fun to be read I suppose but not good for my heart. I can get hypertension reviewing this.

I didn't think I should write a review owing to the fact that more than 1000s of reviews were written as to how awesome this book is but I had to point out and pour my heart out about so many things that I couldn't resist myself.We read a lot of books in the present day where women now have better treatment than before but in books we so often come across the female protagonist being potrayed as weak and just to be polite SUPER DUMB But this book written in 1985 was able to really highlight the fact that women are not effing dumb little birds. I am not trying to be a 'ranting' feminist or anything but it really bothers me, how women are portrayed in books. They piss the shit out of me even. That's why it's surprises me how a book written by MAN in the 80's could make such a beautiful iron hearted woman when these days women writers still write there female characters in a weak vulnerable way.Tracy is this women who is framed by mafia gang(who cause the death of her Mother) for a crime she hadn't done. She is then sent to jail and encounters the worst things any woman can ever encounter. The phrase 'Living hell' aptly describes her life in prison. She is determined to avenge herself on those who took away her happy life. But all the events convert her into a con woman, rather a woman ROBIN HOOD. She steals from the people who are greedy and obtain their wealth through wrong means. I MEAN ISN'T THAT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO READ THIS BOOK? Every single con in this book is just enough to make u want to go do the gangnam style in your school canteen,while everyone watches you. It was So unpredictable, exciting and original! She is smart, snarky and BRAVE. She is a woman I want to be. I just fell in love with her more than I did with Jeff (but my love for Tracy comes with ADMIRATION so all of u can stop thinking what u are!)This book was really long but I was so sad when it ended Sydney Sheldon just writes book so damn well that I don't care if it never ended! I would still go on reading and reading! The story line was so well sequenced, I was so surprised that such a book could even exist. Everything made sense, I for one who takes a little more time than anyone else to understand the logic behind a con understood it with so much ease!I wouldn't really recommend this book if you are a person who enjoys drama and romance in plots, this book hardly has any of those. But its definitely worth a try!So this book on the whole

Do You like book If Tomorrow Comes (1985)?

"She was going to make them pay… Tomorrow, she thought. If tomorrow comes."If Tomorrow Comes is a crime fiction novel by the Master of the Unexpected, Sidney Sheldon. It is a story about an ordinary woman who is ruthlessly framed by a mafia, her quest for vengeance towards them and then her struggles for a better life as a con artist.This novel is definitely a thrilling and enjoyable read. Your mind will be blown away exactly how Tracy Whitney's life is drastically revolutionized in the course of twenty-four (24) hours. Aside from the awesome pacing and enthralling characters, the story spans over America and Europe, and it will force your heart and mind to work together and follow the race of a lifetime. And unexpectedly, after you reached the last page, you would wish for more...:3Another MASTERPIECE from my love, Sidney Sheldon ♥Who run the world? (GIRLS!!)Who run the world? (GIRLS!!)Who run the world? Tracy Whitney!Beyonce's 'Who run the world' song kept playing inside my head while reading this. Hoho

*possible spoilers here* MUCH more likable characters in this book than in "Master of the Game". Tracy - a pretty, innocent young thing - tries to recover stolen property on the behalf of her mother (who killed herself in shame at letting herself be swindled out of her life savings). Before the first two chapters are over, Tracy's been framed, tricked into pleading guilty and then sentenced to fifteen years by a corrupt judge. Her rich fiancee dumps her to avoid associating with a felon (despite the fact that she's pregnant with his child), she suffers a misscarriage, and her whole life has been reduced to fending off sexual assaults in prison. And that's when the fun begins, because the rest of the book is about Tracy's schemes to recover her life, get revenge on the ones who betrayed her, and start her new life as a professional thief. Lots of fun, several clever schemes, some sex, plenty of intrigue, and MANY people getting what's coming to them.

Sidney Sheldon novels were such a reading staple in my teen years and IF TOMORROW COMES was my absolute favorite! I remember specifically staying up to the wee hours of the morning reading because I just had to know what was going to happen next. All of Mr. Sheldon's heroines were always smart, independent, strong, and, of course, beautiful; however, there was something about "Tracy Whitney" and the thrilling capers she was involved herself in that made my pulse soar. Reading it for a second time (almost thirty years ago---dating myself) was just as much fun. I had always hoped that Mr. Sheldon would write a sequel before his passing (I think I even wrote a letter (yes, letter!) begging him to do so). And now, my wish has come true (well, somewhat). A newly released novel by Tilly Bagshawe (CHASING TOMORROW) has arrived. Fingers crossed that she will do the master storyteller (and me, and countless other readers, who have waited patiently) proud with one of his most innovating and intriguing characters.

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